Rural Charity Dental Clinic, Lion County, Ping Tong
The project is a joint community service program between the Rotary Club of Taipei ,  Rotary Club of PoAi, Chinese Christian Dental Services, 社團法人屏東縣原住, 社會公益服務協 and it is led by PP Braces.
Pingtong is the most southern province, 33 counties,  population 800k.
PP Braces visited the community on Feb. 28, 2022. Community rep. & leaders expressed the need of medical services especially on gout and dental treatment. There are no medical & dental facilities nearby and the location is 40 min. (38Km) from the nearby town with no public transportation.
PP Braces managed to find a set of well-functioning imported dental facility in Tainan was ready for free donation: Full set of dental operatory, Dentist stool, Oil free compressor, Dentist cabinet
Together with the community leaders we found a corner of 270cm x 300 cm, reserved for the charity clinic.  Renovation started by Aug. 2022. Dental operatory, compressor and cabinet were moved from Tainan to Lion Hill, Aug. 2022.
Rotary Club of Taipei sponsored NTD 30,000 for the transportation and installation fee.
Numerous dental supplies, instruments and materials were prepared and brought to the venue to ensure smooth operation.
For the operations there will be no need for NHI card, no registration fee. CCDS will recruit volunteer dentists to provide charity at least once a month, and provide necessary maintenance.
First trial operation was done successfully Sept. 9-11, 2022.